TikAPI is an unofficial API platform on top of TikTok. Our API is RESTful. It has predictable resource URLs. It uses HTTP response codes to indicate errors. It also accepts and returns JSON in the HTTP body. You can use your favorite HTTP/REST library to work with TikAPI.
TikAPI endpoints fall into two categories:
Public Data
Which are endpoints for getting any TikTok Public information, such as profile information, feed posts, videos, hashtags, etc. You don't need any TikTok account authentication to use the Public Data endpoints.
Authenticated Users
These Endpoints are for getting information or performing interactions on authorized TikTok accounts that have been authenticated through our OAuth platform.
Now to start using TikAPI you will need an API Key. If you don't already have one, you can sign up for a free trial subscription and get your API Key.
If you just want to do some testings first, then you can just use our Sandbox server.
For using the authenticated user endpoints you will need to get an Account Key by asking users for authorization. Or you can authenticate your own account(s) from the Developer Dashboard with a click of a button.
The API is meant to be used on server-side only, because it would be a security issue to directly expose your API Key in the front-end.
import TikAPI from 'tikapi';
const api = TikAPI('DemoAPIKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39Asd4s');
ES6 Import syntax is recommended
Common JS
const TikAPI = require('tikapi').default;
const api = TikAPI('DemoAPIKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39Asd4s');
from tikapi import TikAPI
api = TikAPI('DemoAPIKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39Asd4s');
Enabling sandbox in Javascript:
$sandbox: true
Enabling sandbox server in Python:
Sandbox API Key:
Sandbox Account Key:
Scroll down the documentation for more specific usage examples on all endpoints 🙃
This error can occur for different reasons. Usually the message includes more information about the error, and might also include a TikTok statusCode
"status": "error",
"message":"Something went wrong."
The Account Key is no longer valid and a re-authorization is required.
When this error occurs you should notify the user and send a new authorization link.
"status": "error",
"message": "Account session expired, please ask user to re-login and re-authorize.",
"statusCode": 8
This means that you have reached your subscription daily request limit or bandwidth limit. You should upgrade your subscription or just wait a few hours until the limit rests.
Learn more about the rate-limit reset
"status": "error",
"message":"API Key Rate-Limit reached."
"status": "error",
"message": "User doesn't exist",
"statusCode": 10202
Here is the description of some of the error codes:
2054: "Video is unavailable or deleted.",
2752: "Ad video is unavailable.",
10000: "TikTok Captcha Error",
10101: "TikTok Server Error",
10102: "User not logged-in",
10111: "TikTok Network Error",
10113: "TikTok blocked resource",
10114: "TikTok blocked resource",
10119: "User not logged-in for Live",
10202: "User doesn't exist",
10203: "Music doesn't exist",
10204: "Video doesn't exist",
10205: "Hashtag doesn't exist",
10208: "Effect doesn't exist",
10209: "Hashtag is blacklisted",
10210: "Live doesn't exist",
10211: "Hashtag is sensitive",
10212: "Hashtag error",
10215: "Video is currently unavailable",
10216: "Video is private",
10217: "Video is currently unavailable",
10218: "Music error",
10219: "Music copyright error",
10220: "Video music error",
10221: "User is banned",
10223: "User error",
10224: "Entity doesn't exist",
10225: "User unique sensitivity",
10227: "Video is under review",
10228: "Video is under risk control",
10229: "Video is hidden",
10230: "Video is under risk control",
10231: "Video is not visible on your country",
10241: "Video is deleted.",
10242: "This video has restricted access",
10404: "List limit reached"
Get profile information and statistics from a username.
username | string Example: username=lilyachty The TikTok user username |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); (async function(){ try{ let response = await api.public.check({ username: "lilyachty" }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "extra": {
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secUid required | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
cursor | string The starting point of the items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); (async function(){ try{ let response = await api.public.posts({ secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud" }); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let cursor = response?.json?.cursor; console.log("Getting next items ", cursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
- "statusCode": 0,
- "status_code": 0
secUid required | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
cursor | string The starting point of the items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); (async function(){ try{ let response = await api.public.likes({ secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud" }); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let cursor = response?.json?.cursor; console.log("Getting next items ", cursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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- "impr_id": "20231013174208A8729872CCC41827A99C"
}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
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- "status_code": 0
Get followers list of any public profile.
secUid required | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
nextCursor | number A iteration parameter returned in each response, should be included in the next requests to get the next items. |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); (async function(){ try{ let response = await api.public.followersList({ secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud" }); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "extra": {
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- "string"
], - "logid": "20231013174209041DDCAF10DA1B29AD5D",
- "now": 1697218930000
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- "nextCursor": "MTY5NzIxNjE5My0tLXNwbGl0X2N1c3Jvci0tLTE2OTcyMTg5MTM=",
- "status": "success",
- "statusCode": 0,
- "status_code": 0,
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- {
- "stats": {
- "diggCount": 11300,
- "followerCount": 507,
- "followingCount": 399,
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- "heartCount": 16000,
- "videoCount": 66
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- "commentSetting": 0,
- "downloadSetting": 0,
- "duetSetting": 0,
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- "privateAccount": false,
- "relation": 0,
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- "secret": false,
- "signature": "snap-linzinatir",
- "stitchSetting": 0,
- "ttSeller": false,
- "uniqueId": "linzisbarbiewrld",
- "verified": false
Get following list of any public profile.
secUid required | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
nextCursor | number A iteration parameter returned in each response, should be included in the next requests to get the next items. |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); (async function(){ try{ let response = await api.public.followingList({ secUid: "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud" }); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "extra": {
- "fatal_item_ids": [
- "string"
], - "logid": "20231013174211F394F2FA6193DA288857",
- "now": 1697218933000
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- "status": "success",
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- "status_code": 0,
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- "nickname": "Giovanna Ramos",
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- "signature": "Lesbian | ATL | 23\n\n*outfit details always tagged on IG*",
- "stitchSetting": 0,
- "ttSeller": false,
- "uniqueId": "giovannaramos",
- "verified": false
Get a list of recommended posts from the For You section.
Learn more about downloading videos
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); (async function(){ try{ let response = await api.public.explore({ session_id: 0, country: 'us' }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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Your first request should be using the hashtag name
parameter, then the following requests should be using the id
parameter which you have stored from the first request (returned in response challengeInfo > challenge > id
Learn more about downloading videos
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cursor | string The starting point of the items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
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session_id | number <= 100 (Optional) Longer sessions. The cookies and IP are preserved through different requests for a longer amount of time. You should include this in order to get different posts on every request. |
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Get a list of posts that are using this music.
Learn more about downloading videos
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Get popular users, music or hashtag. You can also include Account Key to show personalized results for the user.
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country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
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Get popular posts, users, music or hashtags from a keyword.
Limited to only a few items. If you want more, try using the Search endpoint instead.
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Search anything, users, videos, or get keyword autocomplete suggestions.
Learn more about downloading videos
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nextCursor | string A iteration parameter returned in each response, should be included in the next requests to get the next items. |
country | string Example: country=us You can optionally choose the proxy country from where the request is being sent by providing an ISO Code (e.g us, ca, gb) — 200+ countries supported |
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Get current user profile information, or another user's by specifying the username.
username | string The TikTok user username |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.info(); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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Update the current user profile fields.
field required | string Enum: "nickname" "username" "bio" "private" Example: bio The profile field. |
value required | string The new field value |
{- "value": "My new bio"
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Get current user recent notifications.
Note: Some notifications are limited by TikTok.
filter | string Default: "all" Enum: "all" "likes" "comments" "mentions" "followers" Filter notifications by type |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
max_time | any Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
min_time | any Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.notifications(); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let min_time = response?.json?.min_time; console.log("Getting next items ", min_time); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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Get analytics for business or creator accounts
type required | string Enum: "overview" "content" "video" "followers" "live" Example: overview The analytics type |
days | number Default: 7 The days time frame for the analytics data |
media_id | any Required only for video type analytics, otherwise don't include. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.analytics({ type: "overview" }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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- "user_live_views_history": null,
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Check if the current user's session is valid. Auto-removes the user if it's invalid.
Note: The session is automatically checked, though you can still manually call this endpoint if you are having issues with a user.
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.verify(); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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- "user_id": "7109178205151464746",
- "username": "lilyachty"
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- "status": "success"
Get current user following list (or a friends by specifying the secUid).
secUid | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
nextCursor | number A iteration parameter returned in each response, should be included in the next requests to get the next items. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.following(); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "message": "",
- "status": "success"
Get current user followers list (or a friends by specifying the secUid).
secUid | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
nextCursor | number A iteration parameter returned in each response, should be included in the next requests to get the next items. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.followers(); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "message": "",
- "status": "success"
Get current user feed posts, or someone elses by providing the secUid
count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
cursor | string The starting point of the items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
secUid | string Example: secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud The TikTok user secUid. You can get this from the Get profile information endpoint using the username. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.posts.feed(); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let cursor = response?.json?.cursor; console.log("Getting next items ", cursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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cursor | string The starting point of the items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
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Get current user recommended posts from the For You section.
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Search anything, users, videos, or get keyword autocomplete suggestions. Using this instead of the Public Search endpoint will give you more personalized and consistent results.
Learn more about downloading videos
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This endpoint is only available to trusted customers. Learn more about special endpoints
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Make a comment or reply to a comment.
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- "tw_expire_time": 0,
- "twitter_id": "",
- "twitter_name": "",
- "type_label": null,
- "uid": "7109178205151464746",
- "unique_id": "lilyachty",
- "unique_id_modify_time": 1656079705,
- "user_canceled": false,
- "user_mode": 1,
- "user_period": 0,
- "user_rate": 1,
- "user_tags": null,
- "verification_type": 0,
- "verify_info": "",
- "video_icon": {
- "height": 720,
- "uri": "",
- "url_list": [
- "string"
], - "width": 720
}, - "white_cover_url": null,
- "with_commerce_entry": false,
- "with_shop_entry": false,
- "youtube_channel_id": "",
- "youtube_channel_title": "",
- "youtube_expire_time": 0
}, - "user_digged": 0
}, - "extra": {
- "fatal_item_ids": [
- "string"
], - "logid": "20220624140825010223079130211584E5",
- "now": 1656079705000
}, - "label_info": "",
- "log_pb": {
- "impr_id": "20220624140825010223079130211584E5"
}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0,
- "status_msg": "Comment sent successfully"
media_id required | string The video ID. Can also be a short TikTok link (e.g. vm.tiktok.com/UwU) |
comment_id required | string The comment ID |
{- "media_id": "7109178205151464746",
- "comment_id": "7109185042560680750"
{- "extra": {
- "fatal_item_ids": [
- "string"
], - "logid": "202206241413580101890790860016A4CD",
- "now": 1656080038000
}, - "log_pb": {
- "impr_id": "202206241413580101890790860016A4CD"
}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0,
- "status_msg": ""
media_id required | string The video ID. Can also be a short TikTok link (e.g. vm.tiktok.com/UwU) |
comment_id required | string The comment ID |
{- "media_id": "7109178205151464746",
- "comment_id": "7109185042560680750"
{- "extra": {
- "fatal_item_ids": [
- "string"
], - "logid": "202206241413580101890790860016A4CD",
- "now": 1656080038000
}, - "log_pb": {
- "impr_id": "202206241413580101890790860016A4CD"
}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0,
- "status_msg": ""
This endpoint is only available to trusted customers. Learn more about special endpoints
comment_id required | string The comment ID |
{- "comment_id": "7109185042560680750"
{- "extra": {
- "fatal_item_ids": [
- "string"
], - "logid": "202206241424540102230730270417C5C2",
- "now": 1656080694000
}, - "log_pb": {
- "impr_id": "202206241424540102230730270417C5C2"
}, - "message": "",
- "msg": "success",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
Get a list of current user conversations including the latest messages
nextCursor | number The starting offset of items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.conversations(); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "conversations": [
- {
- "conversationType": 1,
- "favorite": 1,
- "id": "0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564",
- "inboxType": 0,
- "isParticipant": true,
- "messages": [
- {
- "content": {
- "aweType": 0
}, - "createTime": 1618091225059,
- "senderSecUid": "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud",
- "senderUid": "7109178205151464746",
- "status": 0,
- "text": "Come over baby ð
My wifey ain't home tonight",
- "version": 0
], - "mute": 0,
- "notice": null,
- "ownerSecUid": "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud",
- "ownerUid": "7109178205151464746",
- "participantsCount": 2,
- "participantsUid": [
- "6699813648438969349"
], - "short_id": "6940245147502654884",
- "ticket": "3M8IlBpABq00h2aNB1B5JJ2ne0DTnGLLAFjGQQGMf4BKWJxEYxf7RAE0KaD2EjkQkWiJalT4xj36JGWa1ZmQg7SgQfHLoXffNFYLkIJhe1HVyiPXitoxWFyuzlX1xvBCYhZxkQALHE4gx9AaXBPEZjks7jC"
], - "error_desc": "OK",
- "hasMore": true,
- "inbox_type": 0,
- "log_id": "202104141321460106584968",
- "message": null,
- "nextCursor": 1,
- "perUserCursor": 1618342989073013,
- "sequence_id": 0,
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
Get full messages list of a conversation
conversation_id required | any Example: conversation_id=0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564 The conversation ID |
conversation_short_id required | any Example: conversation_short_id=6940245147502654884 The additional conversation short ID (TikTok uses two different ID's for some reason) |
nextCursor | string The starting point of the items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
limit | any |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.messages({ conversation_id: "0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564", conversation_short_id: "6940245147502654884" }); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "error_desc": "OK",
- "hasMore": true,
- "inbox_type": 0,
- "log_id": "202104141322656548",
- "message": null,
- "messages": [
- {
- "clientMessageId": "2e141231-f1a5-4234-8521-de37f55c6711",
- "content": {
- "aweType": 700,
- "isDefault": true,
- "is_card": true,
- "mSendStartTime": 1615901742227,
- "msgHint": null,
- "type": 0
}, - "createTime": 1618091225059,
- "isStranger": false,
- "senderSecUid": "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud",
- "senderUid": "7109178205151464746",
- "status": 0,
- "text": "What you thinkin' bout?",
- "type": 7
], - "nextCursor": 1615902725060022,
- "sequence_id": 10005,
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
This endpoint is only available to trusted customers.
Learn more about special endpoints
text required | string The message text |
conversation_id required | string The conversation ID |
conversation_short_id required | string The additional conversation short ID (TikTok uses two different ID's for some reason) |
ticket required | string The conversation ticket |
{- "text": "Hey! How you doing?",
- "conversation_id": "0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564",
- "conversation_short_id": "6940245147502654884",
- "ticket": "3M8IlBpABq00h2aNB1B5JJ2ne0DTnGLLAFjGQQGMf4BKWJxEYxf7RAE0KaD2EjkQkWiJalT4xj36JGWa1ZmQg7SgQfHLoXffNFYLkIJhe1HVyiPXitoxWFyuzlX1xvBCYhZxkQALHE4gx9AaXBPEZjks7jC"
{- "body": {
- "send_message_body": {
- "check_code": 0,
- "client_message_id": "204ec383-1927-41a1-928e-d93e38d41c56",
- "server_message_id": 7112875354875808000,
- "status": 0
}, - "cmd": 100,
- "error_desc": "OK",
- "inbox_type": 0,
- "log_id": "202206241829080101890490991BDF1A6E",
- "message": "",
- "request_arrived_time": 1656095348713,
- "sequence_id": 10010,
- "server_execution_end_time": 1656095348925,
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
Get a list of current user conversations requests including the latest message.
nextCursor | number The starting offset of items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.conversationRequests.conversations(); console.log(response?.json); while(response){ let nextCursor = response?.json?.nextCursor; console.log("Getting next items ", nextCursor); response = await Promise.resolve( response?.nextItems() ); } } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "conversation_requests": [
- {
- "id": "0:1:7260252377754181232:7260252377754181232",
- "last_message": {
- "content": {
- "aweType": 700,
- "isDefault": false,
- "is_card": false,
- "sendStartTime": 1690456789329
}, - "createTime": "1690456789518",
- "index_in_conversation": "1690456793412306",
- "message_type": 7,
- "order_in_conversation": "7260252377754181232",
- "senderSecUid": "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud",
- "senderUid": "7260252377754181232",
- "status": 0,
- "text": "Hey there!",
- "version": "0"
}, - "participantsSecUid": [
- "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud"
], - "participantsUid": [
- "7260252377754181232"
], - "short_id": "7260252377754181232"
], - "error_desc": "OK",
- "hasMore": false,
- "inbox_type": 0,
- "log_id": "20230727112101932CD4BFC3BAED2BDB9F",
- "message": "",
- "nextCursor": "1",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
Get the messages of a conversation in the requests tab (generally there is a 3 message limit).
conversation_id required | any Example: conversation_id=0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564 The conversation ID |
conversation_short_id required | any Example: conversation_short_id=6940245147502654884 The additional conversation short ID |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.conversationRequests.messages({ conversation_id: "0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564", conversation_short_id: "6940245147502654884" }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "error_desc": "OK",
- "inbox_type": 0,
- "log_id": "20230727110811C472D0F798857E277CAF",
- "message": "",
- "messages": [
- {
- "clientMessageId": "546545-6551-4bc7-87ac-77123542de9c7",
- "content": {
- "aweType": 700,
- "isDefault": false,
- "is_card": false,
- "sendStartTime": 1690454842402
}, - "createTime": "1690454998870",
- "index_in_conversation": "1690455006071416",
- "isStranger": false,
- "message_type": 7,
- "order_in_conversation": "7260252377754181232",
- "senderSecUid": "MS4wLjABAAAAsHntXC3s0AvxcecggxsoVa4eAiT8OVafVZ4OQXxy-9htpnUi0sOYSr0kGGD1Loud",
- "senderUid": "7260252377754181232",
- "status": 0,
- "text": "Hey there!",
- "type": 7
], - "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
conversation_id required | any Example: conversation_id=0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564 The conversation ID |
conversation_short_id required | any Example: conversation_short_id=6940245147502654884 The additional conversation short ID |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.conversationRequests.delete({ conversation_id: "0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564", conversation_short_id: "6940245147502654884" }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "error_desc": "OK",
- "inbox_type": 0,
- "log_id": "20230727111926932CD4BFC3BAED2B7D4F",
- "message": "Conversation request has been deleted successfully.",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
conversation_id required | any Example: conversation_id=0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564 The conversation ID |
conversation_short_id required | any Example: conversation_short_id=6940245147502654884 The additional conversation short ID |
user_id required | string Example: user_id=6569595380449902597 The sender ID. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.conversationRequests.accept({ conversation_id: "0:1:684574219823284956:69402435203845897564", conversation_short_id: "6940245147502654884", user_id: "6569595380449902597" }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "message": "Conversation request has been accepted successfully.",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0,
- "status_msg": ""
Check current user live permissions. You can use this to check if the user has third_party streaming enabled.
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.live.permissions(); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "data": {
- "access_recall_info": [
- {
- "access_type": 1,
- "duration": 0,
- "end_timestamp": 0,
- "status": 0
], - "age_restricted_config": {
- "disabled": false,
- "disabled_reason": "",
- "open": false,
- "show": true
}, - "anchor_fans_info": {
- "avatar_pick_reason": [
- "string"
], - "avatar_type": 0,
- "avatars": [
- "string"
], - "living_friend_count": 0,
- "no_online_fans_count_reason": 2,
- "online_fans_count": 0,
- "online_friend_count": 0
}, - "anchor_prompt_type": 0,
- "ban_status": {
- "end_time": 0,
- "is_ban": false
}, - "banner_data": {
- "banner_list": [
- "string"
], - "container_height": 0,
- "container_type": 0,
- "container_width": 0,
- "lynx_container_url": ""
}, - "block_detail_url": "",
- "block_prompt": "",
- "block_schema_locale": "",
- "block_status": 0,
- "can_show_fragment": true,
- "cover": {
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- "image_type": 0,
- "is_animated": false,
- "open_web_url": "",
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- "width": 0
}, - "cover_audit_status": 2,
- "deprecate1": 0,
- "deprecate3": 0,
- "deprecate4": "",
- "device_level": 0,
- "donation_sticker": 1,
- "game_guide_info": [
- {
- "create_scene": 1,
- "show_game_live_guide": true
], - "game_live_convert_info": {
- "acu_type": 0,
- "convert_type": 0,
- "text": "",
- "title": ""
}, - "game_live_info": {
- "has_comment_in_game_live": false,
- "has_game_live": false,
- "has_game_live_2min": false
}, - "go_live_prompt": "",
- "guide_status": 0,
- "has_fragment": false,
- "is_new_anchor": false,
- "last_room_id": 7113508115123211000,
- "last_room_id_str": "7113508115123211017",
- "live_additional_prompt": "Make sure LIVE isn't interrupted. Switching to other apps during LIVE may pause the broadcast and reset the stream key.",
- "live_house_status": 0,
- "live_scenario": {
- "enable_live_audio": false,
- "enable_live_screenshot": false,
- "enable_live_studio": false,
- "enable_live_third_party": false
}, - "live_status": 4,
- "never_go_live_flag": 0,
- "obs_accees_recall_info": {
- "duration": 0,
- "end_timestamp": 0,
- "status": 0
}, - "pop_info": {
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], - "content": "",
- "has_pop": false
}, - "push_stream_info": {
- "1": {
- "default_quality": {
- "desc": "",
- "name": "540p",
- "sdk_key": "sd"
}, - "qualities": [
- {
- "desc": "",
- "name": "540p",
- "sdk_key": "sd"
}, - "4": {
- "default_quality": {
- "desc": "",
- "name": "540p",
- "sdk_key": "sd"
}, - "qualities": [
- {
- "desc": "",
- "name": "540p",
- "sdk_key": "sd"
}, - "screenshot_cover_status": 1,
- "show_game_tags": true,
- "stream_status": 0,
- "title": "Powered by TikAPI",
- "use_avatar_as_cover": true
}, - "extra": {
- "now": 1656248396102
}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
Start a live video, if the user has live enabled.
The live is closed automatically after stream ends.
title required | any The live room header title |
third_party | any Default: true TikTok has a special gateway for invite only users. Only if this is enabled you can do third party streaming. |
hashtag_id | number (Optional) The topic ID. You can find this by using the Get topics list endpoint. |
game_tag_id | number (Optional) The sub-topic ID for gaming topics. |
{- "title": "Check out my live!",
- "third_party": true,
- "hashtag_id": 0,
- "game_tag_id": 0
{- "message": "",
- "room": {
- "cover": {
- "avg_color": "",
- "height": 0,
- "image_type": 0,
- "is_animated": false,
- "open_web_url": "",
- "uri": "720x720/tos-maliva-avt-0068/9f25676d45ce0451d722997ef71f7804",
- "width": 0
}, - "create_time": 1656242720,
- "id": "7114708315123211013",
- "status": 1
}, - "status": "success",
- "stream": {
- "id": "2993873698363425157",
- "pull": {
- "default_resolution": "ORIGION",
- "flv": {
}, - "push": {
- "key": "stream-2993873698363425157?expire=1656847520&sign=91962f21a00930c435e7001e77777269",
- "server": "rtmp://push-rtmp-f5-va01.tiktokcdn.com/stage",
- "url": "rtmp://push-rtmp-f5-va01.tiktokcdn.com/stage/stream-2993873698363425157?expire=1656847520&sign=91962f21a00930c435e7001e77777269"
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.live.stop(); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "data": { },
- "extra": {
- "now": 1656242845804
}, - "message": "",
- "status": "success",
- "status_code": 0
Get information about a live video.
You can use this for any user
that has an open live video. There is a roomId
parameter included when
fetching profile information about users.
room_id required | string Example: room_id=7112492061034646278 The Live room ID. You can find this using the Get profile information endpoint. |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.live.info({ room_id: "7112492061034646278" }); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
{- "data": {
- "admin_user_ids": [
- "string"
], - "answering_question_content": "",
- "app_id": 1233,
- "auto_cover": 0,
- "book_end_time": 0,
- "book_time": 0,
- "business_live": 0,
- "challenge_info": "",
- "common_label_list": "",
- "cover": {
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- "image_type": 0,
- "is_animated": false,
- "open_web_url": "",
- "uri": "720x720/tos-maliva-avt-0068/f82a09c587e28744df2d364ed7c8d41b",
- "width": 0
}, - "create_time": 1656243590,
- "deco_list": [
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], - "existed_commerce_goods": false,
- "feed_room_label": {
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- "is_animated": false,
- "open_web_url": "",
- "uri": "webcast-sg/2ea90002aca1159b5c67",
- "width": 0
}, - "feed_room_labels": [
- "string"
], - "filter_msg_rules": [
- "string"
], - "finish_reason": 0,
- "finish_time": 1656244293,
- "finish_url": "",
- "finish_url_v2": "",
- "follow_msg_style": 2,
- "forum_extra_data": "",
- "game_tag": [
- "string"
], - "gift_poll_vote_enabled": false,
- "group_source": 0,
- "have_wishlist": false,
- "hot_sentence_info": "",
- "id": 7113511870039903000,
- "id_str": "7113511870039902987",
- "indicators": [
- "string"
], - "introduction": "",
- "is_gated_room": false,
- "is_replay": false,
- "is_show_user_card_switch": false,
- "last_ping_time": 1656244293,
- "layout": 0,
- "like_count": 0,
- "link_mic": {
- "audience_id_list": [
- "string"
], - "battle_scores": [
- "string"
], - "battle_settings": {
- "battle_id": 0,
- "channel_id": 0,
- "duration": 0,
- "finished": 0,
- "match_type": 0,
- "start_time": 0,
- "start_time_ms": 0,
- "theme": ""
}, - "channel_id": 0,
- "followed_count": 0,
- "linked_user_list": [
- "string"
], - "multi_live_enum": 1,
- "rival_anchor_id": 0,
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Get statistics for the current user live video, after it has ended.
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Get real-time live chat, gifts, and other events for any live video.
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nextCursor | string Returned in each response, should be included in the next requests to get the next chat events. |
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This endpoint is only available to trusted customers.
Learn more about special endpoints
Send a chat message to any live video
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count | number <= 30 Default: 30 Example: count=30 Maximum amount of items for one request |
offset | number The starting offset of items list. Returned in every response, should be included in the next request for iteration. |
sort | number Default: 0 Enum: 0 1 Example: sort=1 Sort results by ascending (1) or descending (0). Default is descending (0). |
import TikAPI from 'tikapi'; const api = TikAPI("myAPIKey"); const User = new api.user({ accountKey: "DemoAccountKeyTokenSeHYGXDfd4SFD320Sc39Asd0Sc39A" }); (async function(){ try{ let response = await User.live.list(); console.log(response.json); } catch(err){ console.log(err?.statusCode, err?.message, err?.json) } })();
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